Announcement of Search Engine Optimization SEO Misunderstanding
Optimization work is not a constant work, he needs to optimize the process of time to find and optimize the user experience, not to study Baidu, don't hold a big aunt theory every day, Baidu is not a big aunt every month.Those so-called aunt theories are not suitable for the current optimization. Now, the search engine's algorithm update is the time, and the only constant is the user experience, so we are doingWhite hat optimization, or black hat optimization, you must start from the user.Especially the novice, I summarize the search optimization misunderstandings:


Webstrumbles have aid for website snapshot update time, but website snapshot update time is determined according to the history and content quality of the website history, the faster the update frequency, the more frequent spiders.In addition, the content page update is very small.There is also a situation that spider frequencies are caught but is not updated because the search engine believes that the content is not worth updating.Another Baidu official explanation does not require too much web snapshot.

Baidu official clearly stated that "the netizens in Baidu's search volume is data foundation, with keywords to search for statistical objects and calculate the weighting and calculation of the search frequency in Baidu web search", pay attention to search frequency, not simultaneous searchthe amount.However, Baidu Index is an indicator of actual search volume.

Cookies can record the operation information of the user in its own station, but the data after the user jumps out of the website is not followed.Many times we log in to some websites, find that login information and other input data are, in fact, it is a user record separately reserved.

Including me, I have a long time to set the keyword to the website, update the website to optimize the rankings of these keywords after the internal and external chain.In fact, the Keyword and Deion search engines set up on the website are only possible to refer to calculation dependencies, and it is more affected.The keyword rankings are going to do or rely on we specialize in the optimization of the inner chain of these words, the better the keyword ranking capacity of the anchor text.

The statistical function in the webmaster tool does facilitate our understanding of the integrated data information of the website, and the Baidu Weight Weight is now the most important indicator of the chain link.However, the Baidu Weight of the Webmaster Tool is only the result of third-party software such as the word library network through some technologies, not Baidu admitted.Baidu has an indicator of similar weight index for important value for website webpages.

Many people regard the Site website results as a Baidu's true collection of the website. In fact, the results of Site are only part of the number of websites, and the number of websites should be subject to the number of indexes of Baidu webmaster platform.However, the closer SITE, the better the number of claims, the higher the quality, and vice versa, if the number of claims is more than a lot of Site, it is said that this is the performance of the search engine on the website (content quality).

In addition, the number of website records does not represent the effective number of records.Effective Record refers to the number of web pages search and click on the user, and it is usually no way to access the website.

I have seen a different analysis of the search spider's different IP segments, so that I have been thinking (it is estimated that people like me are not at a few), recently I have seen it in the depth analysis of the SEO.However, a high value of the value is likely to attract different grab strategies in spiders.

The previous view is that the dynamic website is wrong, but later, she knows that the pursuit of static URL is not correct. URL dynamic static does not matter that as long as it is not repetitive, the dynamic website should also avoid too much parameters.

Many people mention the impression of the word "station group" is cheating (disgusting people who don't understand the homes of the station will only follow the wind to say cheating.).Indeed, the vast majority of operational station groups are cheating (mostly a gray black industry).However, the station group is not all cheating, and it has been seen that the operational station group has provided a group operation case for traffic violation inquiry in different regions, which is to truly solve user needs.Baidu official said that it is necessary to see this type of website for the value of ordinary users.

In this case, there are many new hands, spending a lot of time to the blog and the forum sign, the advantage is to attract more spider access, the disadvantage is a number of garbage.So just when the website just established, it is good to attract the spider, and it is still not a wonderful.

Many people say that the website is filed or not affecting the website rankings, and there is a "Impact Search Engine Ranking Value Reference Factor" in the industry. It sees that the website files have very high impact, only under the role of the outer chain,Twisted.Baidu said that it would only be referred to, and the website file has affected the trust of the user to the website.

In fact, this is a basic knowledge.Everyone is used to describe the process of giving Spider access to the web page, causing many people to think that the spider is crawling from a page to another page.事实上,蜘蛛直接访问网页。 原则是从捕获页面的URL的信息中获取Web内容,并查看网站日志。 您可以知道蜘蛛没有参考网站。

当我们在大多数情况下优化网站时,我们只关注主页。 内部和外部链锚文本,将到主页。事实上,当网站开始优化时,它集中在主页上,但如果目录的重量和内部页面无法放置,则灯光不好,很难提高重量并得到 排名,即使它被滚动,它也不会强大。

Announcement of Search Engine Optimization SEO Misunderstanding



网站跳跃率是一个统计工具。 只要用户未立即关闭并在搜索引擎上搜索相同的关键字,搜索引擎不知道。页面打开速度会影响用户体验是确定的,许多用户将直接关闭网络,但它们不会直接影响排名。这两点谷歌并入页面排名因素,百度尚未。


很多人都说网站的竞标可以改善网站的排名。 事实上,网站排名竞标不会增强网站关键字排名并包括在内。SEO竞标的影响是提高网站曝光和品牌意识。 一般来说,没有人会吩咐垃圾毫无价值。

以上是我总结的几个方面。 许多新的人甚至可以在优化一些专业知识的过程中优先考虑,所以作为一个优秀的Seoer,我们不仅不断学习,而且必须练习,与事实说话。理论上知识点只是一个应用程序的工具,关键是要了解知识点的理解!
